Making Memories in The Back Yard

When a photographer photographs her own family, sometimes the location and time of day are not planned a long time in advance. My sister and I live 8 hours apart, making the cab fare to North Carolina is quite hefty so we usually dovetail her photoshoots with my family being there for a visit. Fortunately, this time, our visit happened just a few days after the arrival of second child so these photos were extra special. This family session came complete with a sometimes-agreeable toddler, a newborn, and a mother just a few days after delivery but, we captured some awesome and genuine moments. Without further adieu, I present: The Evans Family.

Woman smiling holding baby in field
Little boy smiling holding mom's hands
Couple smiling holding a baby
family squatting down in a field
Woman holding a baby
Family smiling standing in front of trees
woman holding baby with man holding toddler
little boy standing in grass smiling
family walking along a road
man and woman holding little boy's hands
family sitting in grass
little boy in man's shoulders
little boy on man's shoulders woman holding a baby sitting in grass
Man holding a little boy
man and woman holding hands smiling