Perkins Family

A little about me, we have moved a lot. We have had average neighbors and we have had great neighbors. This group falls into the great neighbors category. Every member of this family was so natural in front of the camera individually but when I got them all together, it was magic. We had a lot of fun and got some pretty great shots.

mother hugging teenage son in front of water
teenage boy standing on dock in front of lake
mother hugging teenage son in front of water
teenage boy hugging his sister in a field
mother smiling at daughter in front of trees
girl touching her hair in front of trees
teenage boys jumping on father in a field
family looking at each other in front of trees
family standing in a feild
woman and laughing man sitting in front of water
teenage boy standing with father in front of trees
girl sitting on father's knee in front of trees
teenage boy hugging father in a field
children running at laughing parents in front of trees
girl hugging teenage brother in a field